Language barrier is a common issue faced by humans who move from one community or group to another. Statistical machine translation has enabled us to solve this issue to a certain extent, by formulating models to translate text from one language to another. Statistical machine translation has come a long way but they have their limitations in terms of translating words that belongs to an entirely different context that is not available in the training dataset. This has paved way for neural Machine Translation (NMT), a deep learning approach in solving sequence to sequence translation. Khasi is a language popularly spoken in Meghalaya, a north-east state in India. Its wide and unexplored. In this paper we will discuss about the modeling and analyzing of a NMT base model and a NMT model using Attention mechanism for English to Khasi.
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Nonghuloo, M. S., & Rao A., N. (2020). Analyses and Modeling of Neural Machine Translation for English-to-Khasi. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(2), 115–118.