The main objective of the work is to eliminate the conventional method of unlocking a vehicle using keys. The work involves development of locking system in vehicles which includes the requirement of fingerprint and personal identification number to access the vehicle. This makes a two wheeler virtually unstealable. The idea of implementing both the fingerprint and PIN was created in order to ease the use of a two wheeler within the associated circle of people. Provisions will also be provided to change the PIN by the user itself. With this method of locking systems, we can eliminate the situational risk of losing a key. Moreover, digitizing the two wheelers may also aid in the reduction of weight and can support other electronic access in the future.
Niresh, J., Kirubakaran, R., Karthick, D., Jerrom Joshua, R., & Mohana Praddeesh, M. (2018). Enhanced two wheeler security systems using biometric sensor and numeric keypad. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 7(4), 14–16.
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