Ontology and Semantic is considered to the next generation of web that benefits many different fields like bio-informatics, Data transformation & integrations. Considering this, the E-learning plays a vital role in Learning Management System (LMS), which includes the modules like content development, assessment, feedback, course management and etc. The web application is developed with various LMS features integrated with Semantic Web. Typically, the application runs on Google Cloud Platform which is being served to all users anytime to access. This application is incorporated with semantic web to provide the LMS to the users that works mainly on the principle of extracting the knowledge from the user interaction via the assessments and analyze their behavior / actions on the level of the particular course content and translate them in to semantics which are represented as Ontologies. An intelligent workflow and learning plan for the user is derived and recommended to the user/ learner based upon the learner’s performance on the previous assessments.
Magendiran, P., & Lourdusamy, R. (2019). An intelligent learning management system using ontology. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(11), 3311–3315. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.K2446.0981119
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