The production of cement liberates the equal amount of CO2 into the environment. This will results in various social and environmental problems. There is a need in determining the new cement materials from waste or industrial waste. Second, the extraction of natural aggregates from natural resources poses other environmental problems. So in this article, the experimental programme is conducted to determine the strength and durability performance of cement partially replaced with Metakaolin (MK) (0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10%) and coarse aggregate substituted by shredded plastic waste (SPW) at 0.5% by weight. The main objective of this article was limited to analyzing the strength parameters along with the durability parameters.
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Sivaraj, M., Sundararajan, R., & Karthik, V. (2019). Effect of influence of metakaolin and shredded plastic waste on strength and durability properties of M20 grade concrete. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 4170–4175.