Consumer purchase behavior of eco-fashion clothes as a trend to reduce clothing waste

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Eco-fashion clothes offer considerable promise to reduce clothing waste associated with improving consumer profits and the health of the community. The aim of this paper is to explore the consumer purchase behaviour toward Eco-fashion clothes made of recycled materials. The clothing waste is increasing each year and there is a lack of landfill sites for disposing of them. This resulted in governments encourage industries markets to recycle more. However, it is necessary to support the clothing recycling technology program, and the achievement of those markets depends on consumer demand for these products. Hence, understanding consumer behaviour toward Eco-fashion clothes made of recycled materials can provide a basis to develop effective guidelines for disposal and purchase recycled clothes. This study applied the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) as the foundation of the consumer’s behaviour. A two-stage mixed-method approach was explored. Statistical analysis was commenced through direct logistic regression. The model was tested via structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). Overall, findings reveal that the most significant factor on purchase intention of Eco-fashion clothes is the positive attitude which was followed by the perceived behavioural control and then subjective norms on the construct intention. Furthermore, there is a strong connection to sustainable disposal clothing behaviour and purchase behaviour toward Eco-fashion clothes. Hence, strengthening people attitude in order to purchase Eco-fashion clothes made of recycled contents as a sustainable trend is applicable to help reduction of clothing waste. This happens when people’s need is along with these clothes. The implications of this study can be examined from an educational and managerial perspective to form an effective strategy to encourage an increased rate in the disposal of clothing toward recycling and development policies to improve recycling technology programs. Therefore, it can lead to produce clothes made of recycled materials based on the consumer's needs and distribute them in the fashion market.




Jalil, M. H., & Shaharuddin, S. S. (2019). Consumer purchase behavior of eco-fashion clothes as a trend to reduce clothing waste. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12), 4224–4233.

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