In a brief outlook, the conventional concrete has a numerous setbacks in order to congregate the vast demand of the construction industries, regarding the complex construction projects in a stipulated time. Among that, the improper and lack of compaction will leads a key role in affecting the strength and durability characteristics of the concrete in several ways. This issue will be resolved in the existence of the self compacting properties within the concrete. Since the lack of design procedures and mixing guidelines in relevant to Indian standards, many researchers used EFNARC guidelines for their studies. In this paper, the combined effect of the filler materials such as flyash and cowdung ash in satisfying the requirements of SCC is presented for the different replacement levels such as 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30%. The optimum combined replacement level is found as 15% in succeeding the requirements of the filling and passing ability properties of SCC.
Optimized Utilization of Flyash and Cowdung ash in Enhancing the Properties of Self Compacting Concrete. (2019). International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(2S2), 66–70.
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