DC-to-DC converter is an electronic circuit that converts direct current (DC) from a given voltage to another. DC-DC converters have a broad range of applications, starting from electronic gadgets to household equipment, adapters of mobile phone and laptops, aero plane control frameworks and communication hardware. This paper illustrates the practical application of DC-DC boost converter using Sliding Mode Control (SMC). DC-DC converters can be categorized into different categories in terms of mechanical, electrical and electronic features. SMC DC-DC converters show better performance compared to other converters under certain conditions. This nonlinear control system is especially well suited for Variable Structure Systems. The most significant advantage of Sliding Mode Control over conventional control systems is its robustness against load, line and parametric uncertainties.
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Fahim*, K. E. … Shajid, S. (2020). Modelling and Simulation of DC-DC Boost Converter using Sliding Mode Control. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(2), 674–678. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.b3846.079220