Reduction of HC and CO in the Exhaust Gas of Minibus Vehicles by Natural Zeolite

  • Siregar* A
  • et al.
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Air pollution due to burning fossil fuels is still an environmental problem today. This paper presents the research results; method of reducing HC and CO in the exhaust gas of minibus vehicles. This method uses a pollutant gas trap (PGT) device, which functions as an adsorption medium, and natural zeolite as an absorbent material. The PGT device is designed in such a way that the zeolite can adsorb HC and CO gases flowing in it. The PGT device consists of a hollow body and supporting equipment arranged in it. The cavity of the PGT device is filled with zeolite granules and can be passed through vehicle exhaust gases. The PGT device consists of laminar and turbulent flow types, while the zeolite grains used are 2.54 mm and 1.27 mm. The PGT-zeolite device is installed at the exhaust end of the vehicle, so that polluting gases are absorbed by the zeolite. The adsorption capability of the PGT-zeolite device was measured with an Automotive-Emission-Analyzer, type NHA-406EN. Turbulence type PGT device, capable of reducing pollutant gases HC ≈ 40% and CO ≈ 42% respectively for the zeolite grain size of 2.54 mm. Meanwhile, the laminar flow type PGT device was able to reduce HC ≈ 36% and CO ≈ 42% gas, respectively for the zeolite grain size of 2.54 mm. The results of this study indicate that the PGT-zeolite device has a very good ability to reduce pollutant gases in the exhaust gas of minibus vehicles. Therefore, it is necessary to continue research on the feasibility of using natural zeolite, as an absorber of polluting gases in other types of vehicles.




Siregar*, A., & Nasution, A. (2021). Reduction of HC and CO in the Exhaust Gas of Minibus Vehicles by Natural Zeolite. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 10(10), 92–100.

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