The incidence of contamination of the stored drugs with acarid mites and insects was surveyed on a total of 1071 samples, including starch, lactose, albumine tannate, pancreatin, diastase, saccharated pepsin, vitamine B_1 powder, lactomic microb's powder and yeast. The samples were collected from the pharmacies in 69 national hospitals at Kanto District, and examined during the period from October 1958 to January 1959. Of 1071 specimens 44 (4.1%) were found to harbor the mites and 51 (4.8%) contaminated with the insects. The main species of the mites isolated from those stocked drugs were Tyrophagus dimidiatus, Hyohondania kanoi and Glyciphagus destructor.
Fukui, M., Osada, Y., Kurosa, K., & Tanaka, H. (1959). Survey on acarid mites and some insects in drugs. Medical Entomology and Zoology, 10(3), 169–172.
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