The development in the field of wireless technology leads to the increase in application over wireless networks. This increased utilisation of wireless network promoted the research overthe energy efficient networks to generate maximum efficiency with limited battery resource. The mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a type of wireless network in which the nodes are of mobile type. The nodes in MANET can move freely without any bound of limitations. The MANETS generate communication paths individually without the help of centralized infrastructure or centralised nodes like routers or switches. The communication is established using routing protocols which generates the path between sender and destination nodes, transfers data and control packets through the path and maintain the path information to renew the path in case of path failure. Some applications like military surveillance of the nodes in the MANET move randomly and update its location and information to the receiver node frequently. This leads to maximum consumption of energy in the nodes. The load balancing and energy efficient routing play a vital role in the MANET. A directional flooding approach is introduced to reduce the power consumption and extend the network life time. The performance of the directional flooding protocol was compared with on demand routing protocols like AODV and DSR routing protocol to measure the efficiency of the system in hardware environment.
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Vinoth, M., & Omkumar, S. (2019). Optimization of energy efficiency using directional flooding protocol in MANET. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 7(5), 145–149.