Glomus tumours within the head and neck are highly vascular in nature and are surrounded by vital neurovascular structures. The aim of this study is to review the step-by-step surgical techniques for a posterior transjugular approach and transcervical approach and to clarify the advantages of these approaches in the treatment of glomus tumours within the head and neck. The advantage of these approaches is that a wide operative field from the jugular bulb to the cervical portion can be obtained. In addition, the bloodless operative field that is achieved by the preoperative embolisation appeared to contribute to reducing the risk of cranial nerve injury. © 2013 The Neurosurgical Foundation.
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Nakamizo, A., Akagi, Y., Watanabe, T., Kawahara, N., & Sasaki, T. (2013). Posterior transjugular and transcervical approach for glomus tumours within the head and neck. British Journal of Neurosurgery, 27(2), 212–217.