Osi Model The Basics Structure of Network Communication

  • et al.
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In the present time, if we see around the world we can realize that information transfer through one place to another is very easy. A person lives in America easy do business with the person live far away from it. All this can be achieved by the phenomenon known as Networking. And the device through which the information are transferred are called interconnected device. As we know, in present time our need is not only transfer or sharing of information but in a secure way. So with the help of this we are not just transferring the information but in a secure manner To understand the whole phenomenon of this networking, the basic requirement is OSI LAYER Model. This is not just a model but a complete frame which gives us whole information of its working as well as link between them. So through this paper we give some basics concept building of OSI LAYER which help in understanding the Networking.

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Agrawal, Mr. N. K., Alam, Mr. S., & Raghav, H. (2021). Osi Model The Basics Structure of Network Communication. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(5), 66–69. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.d4991.019521

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