In this paper a new image steganographic technique has been proposed which is capable of hiding data and produces a stego image that is totally indistinguishable from the original image by the human eye. To estimate the contrast and smoothness of pixels we check the relation between neighboring pixels. Our method first arranges the pixel in ascending manner, then takes the highest pixel value common with the other two pixels and then applies the pixel value differencing (PVD) method. To hide the secret data PVD technique is used in each pixel block. The two overlapping blocks are readjusted to attain the modified three-pixel components. Then calculate the new stego pixel block. In this way, take the middle and lowest pixel as the common pixel and apply the same procedure. In comparison, we get that if the highest value pixel value takes as a common one then the data hiding capacity is increased. The embedding capacity of the cover image is increased by using the pixel block overlapping mechanism. It has been tested on a set of images and also maintains the visual quality of the image.
Majumder*, J., & Pradhan, C. (2020). A Steganographic Method with an Overlapping of Three Pixel Block of Image. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(4), 1427–1431.
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