The preemptive repeat hybrid server interruption model

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We analyze a discrete-time queueing system with server interruptions and a hybrid preemptive repeat interruption discipline. Such a discipline encapsulates both the preemptive repeat identical and the preemptive repeat different disciplines. By the introduction and analysis of so-called service completion times, we significantly reduce the complexity of the analysis. Our results include a.o. the probability generating functions and moments of queue content and delay. Finally, by means of some numerical examples, we assess how performance measures are affected by the specifics of the interruption discipline. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.




Demoor, T., Fiems, D., Walraevens, J., & Bruneel, H. (2010). The preemptive repeat hybrid server interruption model. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 6148 LNCS, pp. 59–71).

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