Reducing the International Risks of Russian Industrial Companies Based on the Transfer to the IBM Planning Analytics Platform

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In modern conditions, all enterprises, including industrial ones, set the task of achieving a stable financial position in order to ensure long-term survival. The activity of a firm in all its forms is associated with numerous risks, the degree of influence of which on the results of this activity of the firm is quite high. The risk arises in any type of entrepreneurial activity related to the production of products, goods and services, their sale, commodity-money and financial transactions, commerce, as well as the implementation of scientific and technical projects. The IT industry has proven to be the most exposed to geopolitical risks. But, despite the negative consequences of the introduction of bans, domestic companies are adapting their activities to the new economic conditions. In PJSC “Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works” since 2019, the formation, approval and adjustment of the budget was carried out on the basis of the Anaplan automated budgeting system using cloud computing technology (SaaS), that is, the budget model is stored on servers located abroad, which implies some risks, such as the risks of disabling access to the budget model, as well as the risk of leakage of confidential information to third parties due to data storage on the Internet. Having compared the software products existing in the IT market, according to several criteria of requirements for the new budgetary system, as well as the cost of licenses, it is advisable to use the IBM Planning Analytics platform as an innovative software product for implementation in the budget process of PJSC MMK. Using the Delphi method, an expert assessment of the feasibility of implementing the developed proposals was carried out. The introduction of the IBM Planning Analytics software into the budget process of PJSC MMK will reduce the risk of information loss due to geopolitical risks by 55%. But the risk remains the same, since IBM, like Anaplan, is American software. But if a Russian analogue to American software appears on the IT market, PJSC MMK will consider the possibility of introducing this product into its activities.




Zinovyeva, E., Kuznetsova, M., Kostina, N., & Vasilyeva, A. (2022). Reducing the International Risks of Russian Industrial Companies Based on the Transfer to the IBM Planning Analytics Platform. In Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (Vol. 432 LNNS, pp. 27–38). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.

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