The article attempts to present a scientifically based system of problems and groups of problems, resolution of which will contribute to the development of corporate structures and the growth of the positive in-fluence of corporate structures on the development of Russian regions. Based on a comprehensive comparative analysis, the main conceptual framework of the development of corporate structures is revealed. Original classification schemes are built, which unite groups of problems of a certain category according to specific features. The importance of the undertaken systematization is shown both for the development of corporate structures and regional economic systems. The discussion demonstrates the logic of problem formation and problem grouping. Suggestions and recommendations are made to resolve some of the most urgent problems. A conclusion is made about the need to develop the methodological foundations of research on the problem field in the sphere of mutual influence of the corporate sector of the economy and regional economic systems.
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Pakhomova, O. I. (2019). Corporate structures development: Performance evaluation, technology, innovations. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 4720–4727.