E-Learning plays a necessary role in the way of searching a secured educational video resources for the students. In this paper, e-learning domain introduces a concept of searching a video resources in annotated way with linked data cloud. The purpose for the student to choose e-learning is that the learner can continue learning anywhere and at any time .This paper goes with unique approach of synote tool where synote tool allows the e-learners to search the syntactic web information accurately and with different online video resources. Linked data cloud concept is applied in this concept to search a secured search. The result is proved for secured search of educational video resources and shows the reusability of resources for e-learners.
Chandrakanth, K., & Parthiban, L. (2019). Synote Usage on E learning Search. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(2), 3119–3123. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijeat.b3974.129219
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