This paper disc ロ sses a s} ・ ntactic apalysis en the topo 】 egy of demestic space in 2 co 】 lectii ' e hous{ ng pr() jects in Metro Mani 】 a Phihppines . Graphical methods were utilized to compare housing with different tloor areas and fbr different income groups, with Lhe c6njccture that there will be simi [ arities in the space development , notwithstanding thc said differences , T analogise space patterns , justifjed access graph ∬ ・ ・ ere used , whi 】 e relative asymmetry and ・ control va 】 ues were calculated . The results eVinced the Ii 、 dng area as the transitien space between the public and private dornaing . and the dining ! ldtchen area as thehubofthe unit , . Ke り words : collective housing , niedium −rise housing ∫spaCe Sgntax , spatial structure , user study , PhilippineDomesn ' CArchitectui ' e 集 合 住 宅 、中層建築 、シ ン タ ヅ ク ス 分 析 、空間 構 成 、住 ま い 方 調査 、フ ィ リ ピ ン 住 宅 建築 1 . o INTRODUCTION Domestic architecture in the major cities ofthe Philippines has attained new configurations as can be seen from the recently burgeoning coltective housing structures . The government, in its attempt to contend the housing problem of the metropolis , started to build these , to be able to provide the most number of dwenings 。 n th ・ ・ p、 ・ ce l・ nd . 】 Tfi・ h ・ ・ ,i・ g ・ ・e m 、d・ up ・ f i・ di・rid ・ ・ 1・unit ・ whlCh haVe indeper 画 dent faCilitieS ( kitChenS , tOiletS and bathS )and thc rights to the units can be acquired . Statistics released by the U , S . Department of State2 reported that the population of Metropohtan Mani } a in lgg7 was lo . 4 unillion people and that its annual groWth rate was 3. 05 % . The metropo 】 is actual 】 } ・ comprises only o , 2 % of the whole land area of the countb ・ , but 13 % ofthe 80 】 nillion total population is concentrated in this urban center . The specific housing need is fbr the Iower to middie inc me family groups and it was reported that in 1998 , this demand rose to 3 . 5 million units natiom 、fide , with the bulk burdening the major urban areas . 3 Settlement strategies have started 、 、tith re [ cating squatters to developed areas as 、、 ・ ell as previding units for the homeless . Withln the different cjtjes of the metropo 】 is , areas were chosen where coHective housing communities could be developed . These forms of housing are relatively new to the Philippines such that there are many aspects that hax, e to be studied in order to come up with designs that will fit t11e needs of Filipino families . It is theref 〔 ) re considered essential to study the design and use of those areas which are a 且 ready occupied to be abie to pro 、弓 de base data fbr the improvement of fUture housing pゆ ects . 2 . 00BJECTIVES The general o 切ective is to pro、4de base studies for the fUture d ' eve } opment of co 】 】 ective housjng in the Philippines . Post occupancy studies were undcrtaken to study the development of spaces 、 、 tithin the units and to find out a general design pattern . This specific research aims to compare through a syntactic anatysis
DE GUZMAN, M. C., HANAZATO, T., & TOMIE, S. (2001). SYNTACTIC ANALYSIS ON SPATIAL STRUCTURE OF COLLECTIVE HOUSING UNITS : Comparative study on 2 public housing projects in Metro Manila, Philippines. Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ), 66(545), 107–114.
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