Hierarchal trust certificate distribution using distributed CA in MANET

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In the growing network generation of wireless systems, there is a necessity usage of deploying wireless network for usage of individual mobile users. The considerable examples are the deploying MANET in emergency situations like disaster, military surveillance, tactical networks, data networks etc. This network situation doesn’t work on centralized and adopt the rely operations without access points. All these application areas adopts infrastructure less environment which facilitates highly possible network attacks. Identifying such a security breach happening in network would be a Herculean task. This research identifies trusted parties will involve in message communication and provides privacy of the message being sent to destination using cryptographic mechanisms. When two or more networks involve in data communication at that situation making the authentication with the help of certification distribution method would be a difficult task. Hence the nodes are dropping the packet or unauthorized parties do the denial of service so that delay will increase and throughput is reduced. In order to overcome this issue, the cross certification method is implemented with the distribution of certificate using hierarchal trust. This method solves the issue of authentication problem and coordinates for all the nodes to communicate to each other as a trusted party. When two ad hoc networks merge, we need a mechanisms for nodes originated from different networks to certify and authenticate each other. Finally the simulation was conducted with certain parameters and achieved better throughput and reduced delay of data transfer.




Vinoth Kumar, V., Arvind, K. S., Umamaheswaran, S., & Suganya, K. S. (2019). Hierarchal trust certificate distribution using distributed CA in MANET. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(10), 2521–2524. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.J9560.0881019

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