The demands for automotive interior and exterior panels in present and future request is an optimal combination of materials and cost-efficient production processes. Mechanical andacoustical requirementsof high strength and a weight target result, todayoften in the selection of a sandwich design with a cost efficient and recyclable core material. Honey comb sandwich structures are used in Airplane wings, Ships, Cars, Civil Constructions, etc. Now a days this technology is being used all-over the automotive fields. These designs are the best way for low material usage and high strength. In this project the designs of hexagonal and octagonal honey comb structures are to be analysed and compared for the best result in structure. The structures are to be developed by using SolidWorks[1] software. Solidworks flow simulation is to be used to test the effectiveness and limitations of the structures. Thermal and static analysis are to be analysed by using solidworks simulation software with different types of materials like Titanium, Aluminum, and Stainless steelto identify the best material at low cost and high efficient by applying various loads of finite element method analysis.
Dhananandh*, P., Mamilla, Dr. V. R., & Murthy, K. S. R. (2020). Design and Analysis of Hexagonal and Octagonal Honey Comb Structures with Various Materials and FEM Analysis. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(7), 669–677.
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