Water distribution systems are built to meet the water needs of a city or community. The management of water distribution can be conducted by government agencies as well as independently as in Sekar Gading Residence. The aim of this study was to determine the performance of water network service managed by Sekar Gading Residence Service by analyzing the performance of network service to network ability in fulfilling minimum requirement of customer from water discharge side. The result of debit analysis from water meter showed that the reliability level was 70%. While, the system can be considered to be satisfactory if the minimum reliability level of 80% is fulfilled. Therefore, the water management system would be n failling condition about 2.94 months, and with very failure rate varying between 14.29% to 71.43% deficit. The conclusion of this study is the performance of clean water network service in Sekar Gading Housing was not up to the optimal solution.
Julianto*, E. N., & Ni`mah, U. (2020). The Water Distribution System Performance in Sekar Gading Residence. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(6), 2159–2163. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.e2644.049620
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