For pregnant ladies, various health parameters like ECG, blood pressure, SPO2 (stamina), respiration rate, blood glucose level, body temperature, etc. need to be monitored regularly and must be in a normal level. If the mother’ health become critical then definitely it will affect the baby. Hence it is recommended by physicians to do routine checkups at primary stages of pregnancy. But in rural areas, due to unavailability of well-equipped hospital facilities and also people don’t have awareness about their health which yields in abnormalities or creates critical issues. The presented paper summarizes, the available system and their strength and weakness and challenges in health monitoring of pregnant women. The proposed system is used to analyze various pregnancy biological factors like heart rate of pregnant women & Fetus, changes in blood pressure, blood glucose level, temperature, and weight. The proposed system will help for the rapid decision making and treatment through the high speed medical data transfer to the physicians over mobile for consulting and remote medical examinations. These values are transferred to database, to upload on server which can be monitored from any corner of the world.
Ansari, S., & Ansari, M. B. (2020). Smart Health Monitoring System for Pregnant Women. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(4), 923–926.
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