Solar Technology is fast becoming a preferred trend in the field of electric power. This is because of the fact that solar energy, freely available is transferred into electric power without causing any environment hazard. Commercial power system is grid organized system. Therefore, the solar system also needs cooperative to established grid system. Grid connected solar photovoltaic system is a friendly and affordable system for large solar power generation. These systems exhibit good power efficiency beside of their other advantages. Here we pursue our studies on 150 KW grid connected SPV system. In this paper we design and model a 150 KW SPV system and compared its performance with the real time data collected by us through our experimental setup. The experimental setup is based on the module provided by RenewSys DESERV 3M6 with 72 cells on SPV module. This module is a polycrystalline silicon module and was manufactured in the year 2018 and purchased in the same year. In this study important effects that the performance degradation is also considered and the overall results obtained are found satisfactory.
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Chandel*, T. A., Yasin, Dr. M. Y., & Mallick, Prof. M. A. (2020). Performance of Rooftop Grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic System. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(1), 1056–1062.