Ontology provide a structured way of describing knowledge. Ontology's are usually repositories of concepts and relations between them, so using them in information retrieval seems to be a reasonable goal. The main objective in this report is to provide efficient means to move from keyword-based to concept-based information retrieval utilizing ontology's for conceptual definitions [1]. In this paper, we present the skeleton of such an IR system which works on a collection of domain specific documents and exploits the use of a domain specific ontology to improve the overall number of relevant documents retrieved. In this system, a user enters a query from which the meaningful concepts are extracted; using these concepts and domain ontology, query expansion is performed. We propose a system that matches the query terms in the ontology/schema graph and exploits the surrounding knowledge to derive an enhanced query. The enhanced query is given to the underlying basic keyword search system LUCENE [2]. In this approach we try to make use of more ontological Knowledge than IS-A and HAS-A relationships and synonyms for information retrieval.
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Pai B H*, Dr. K., & N, B. (2020). An Ontology Based Information Retrieval System. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(2), 638–643. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.b3781.079220