Deliberately owning my practice model: Realising my professional practice

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Professional practitioners, particularly those aspiring to be deliberate professionals, realise their practices within a coherent and deliberately owned practice model. This chapter examines the development and ownership of professional practice models, reflecting on the insights of professional practitioners. It challenges practitioners to understand the nature of professional practice and what it means to be a professional practitioner, not just what it means to do this practice. Practice is embodied through practical consciousness and is accountably pursued through the understanding and ownership of decisions made in shaping the path, impact and nature of one’s practice and model of practice. A deep knowing of self in practice is an intricate blending of deliberate knowing and higher-order understandings realised through authenticity, humanity, ethicality, professional artistry and practice wisdom.




Higgs, J. (2016). Deliberately owning my practice model: Realising my professional practice. In Professional and Practice-based Learning (Vol. 17, pp. 189–203). Springer Nature.

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