Immunobiology of HPV and HPV vaccines

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Genital human papillomavirus (HPV) infection with both low- and high-risk types is common, but most infections resolve as a result of a cell-mediated immune response. Failure to induce an effective immune response is related to inefficient activation of innate immunity and ineffective priming of the adaptive immune response; this defective immune response facilitates viral persistence, a key feature of high-risk HPV infection. This milieu becomes operationally HPV antigen tolerant, and the host's defenses become irrevocably compromised. HPV antigen-specific effector cells are poorly recruited to the infected focus and their activity is downregulated; neoplastic HPV containing cervical keratinocytes expressing high levels of E6 and E7 oncoproteins are not killed in this immunosuppressive, tolerant milieu, and progression to high-grade disease and cancer can result. Highly efficacious prophylactic HPV L1 virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines circumvent viral epithelial evasion strategies since they are delivered by intramuscular injection. The stromal dendritic cells of the muscle that encounter the highly immunogenic repeat structure of the VLP then migrate with their cargo to the lymph node, initiating an immune cascade that results in a robust T-cell dependent B-cell response, which generates high levels of L1-specific serum neutralizing antibodies and immune memory. © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.




Stanley, M. (2008). Immunobiology of HPV and HPV vaccines. Gynecologic Oncology, 109(2 SUPPL.).

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