TFE3, HSP47, and CREB3 pathways of the mammalian golgi stress response

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The capacity of each organelle in eukaryotic cells is tightly regulated in accordance with cellular demands by specific regulatory systems, which are generically termed organelle autoregulation. The Golgi stress response is one of the systems of organelle autoregulation and it augments the capacity of Golgi function if this becomes insufficient (Golgi stress). Recently, several pathways of the mammalian Golgi stress response have been identified, specifically the TFE3, HSP47, and CREB3 pathways. This review summarizes the essential parts of the Golgi stress response from the perspective of the organelle autoregulation.




Taniguchi, M., & Yoshida, H. (2017). TFE3, HSP47, and CREB3 pathways of the mammalian golgi stress response. Cell Structure and Function, 42(1), 27–36.

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